COLOR : Gold 8105 (3 pcs)
MATERIALS : Hook: 8 mm - Needle - Scissors - Tape Measure
ABBREVIATIONS : CH: Chain - SC: Single Crochet - SS: Slip Stitch
To increase the size, please add 8 chains for each additional size. The pattern is worked in the round
up to the underarm, after which the front and back are worked separately and joined at the shoulders.
1. Start with 18 chains (CH).
2. Row 1 - Turn your work, and in the 2nd chain (CH) from the hook, make 3 single crochets (SC).
Continue by working 1 single crochet (SC) into each chain (CH) until you reach the last chain (CH),
where you will make 3 single crochets (SC) in that last stitch. Finish the row by making a slip stitch (SS),
increasing by 6 stitches in total.
3. Body of the Bag - Without further increases or decreases, crochet the body of the bag in a round using
single crochet (SC), following the pattern until the body measures about 20 cm.
4. Bag Handle - To start the handle, lay the bag flat and align the front and back sides evenly. On the right side
of the bag opening, make 6 single crochets (SC), then work 6 slip stitches (SS) to complete the front middle
opening of the bag. Moving to the left side, crochet 6 single crochets (SC), and in the back middle section,
make 6 slip stitches (SS). End the row with a final slip stitch (SS) to close the row.
5. Chain 1 (CH), then crochet the first 2 stitches together to decrease by 1 single crochet (SC), bringing
the handle to 5 stitches in width. Continue crocheting with 5 stitches per row for the handle.
6. For the handle, continue working rows with 5 single crochets (SC), ending each row with 1 chain (CH) to turn.
Repeat this process, following the pattern until the handle reaches the desired length. When you reach
the final row, increase by 1 stitch at the beginning to bring the stitch count to 6. Finish off by making
6 slip stitches (SS), then sew the handle securely to the side of the bag.
7. Finishing Touch - To add a decorative tassel effect, cut strips of yarn to match the size of the bag’s body.
Insert these strips through the stitches along the sewn edge and tie them to create tassels,
completing the bag.

amigurumiRabbit RattleTeether Making